Discover the 'gym for the brain'

 See how you can help your brain functions with an exercise known as brain gymnastics

Did you know that the brain is a part of the body that must also be exercised, just like any musculature? This is because it needs to receive stimuli so that its functions are more and more efficient, promoting essential skills for the organism.

So, for you to learn how to help your functions, Midlife will show you what is gymnastics for the brain and what exercises can be done at home. Check out!

What is gymnastics for the brain?

Cerebral gymnastics is based on neuroscience, having a concept of cerebral neuroplasticity. Thus, it is the brain's ability to modify itself according to the stimuli it receives.

In other words, the human brain is able to adapt itself according to stimuli, which can improve its activities.

In this way, the bigger and more active the connection between neurons, the stronger your cognitive reserves will be and, with that, the better your longevity.

Therefore, gymnastics for the brain makes the organ leave the comfort zone, interacting with the news, challenges and constant varieties that happen, strengthening and expanding the connection networks. This increases your ability to learn new things.

Basically, this area of ​​neuroscience causes the nervous system to change, making structural and functional adaptations according to what has been presented. Thus, it starts to increase neuronal development when faced with new experiences.

What brain exercises can you do at home?

Any activity that you do and stimulate the brain, causing you to be forced to think is a gymnastic favorable to your functions. Therefore, it is interesting to maintain some daily habits, such as:

    reading a lot, because reading makes your brain focus on words, acquiring more adaptation to new information that is passed on;

    playing checkers, chess or any other game that encourages logical thinking;
Change the route for routine activities, such as going a different way each time you go to the bakery or supermarket;

    doing neurotics, which is nothing more than getting text with letters in reverse or scrambled;

    write or practice any action with a non-dominant hand;

    choose what to wear, such as clothes, shoes or accessories without looking at the pieces;

    change the location of personal objects to make your brain search and think where it might be.

These and other brain exercises enhance cognitive ability, making you have significant improvements in concentration and logical thinking. In addition, helping to improve memory, creativity, self-esteem, motor coordination, perseverance and the way your brain activities act in the face of problems.

Gymnastics for the brain is an opportunity for you to improve all the functions of the organ, being an ally for a healthier life. But it is important to note that in cases of illness, it is always important to have a doctor's guidance.

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